If you are an educator and a newbie, here are some tips in using SL for your teaching:

1. Learn to move yourself first before starting any classes. It will prevent you from bumping into objects, being stuck in an unknown place or even drowning.
2. Always wear underpants no matter what.  You may think that it is just a virtual world, nothing ugly will happen, right? Try to fly wearing a skirt with no underpants. You will know what I mean.
3. Find a private place or a changing room to change your outfit. Trust me, it's a horrible idea to be naked in front of other avis, let alone your own students.
4. Choose a decent AO to wear. You might want to improve yourself with Animation Override but wearing lap dancer AO while teaching will bring you lots of troubles both in SL and RL.
5. Activate your headset. It is easier to control a bunch of avatars using voice than text. But don't let your students use voice chat unless it is necessary to do so. (I got this invaluable tip from my mentor)
6. Relate what you teach in SL with what you teach in RL. It will give the students a better understanding of what they are learning.
7. Write notecards to support your teaching. Some sims are graphically amazing but lack of educational information.
8. Learn to build. Sometimes you need to cutomize your teaching in SL but you cannot get the objects you need. Why not built them yourself?
9. Learn to operate press-o-matic and slide presentation screen. These gadgets will improve your teaching termendously.
10. Join educators group in SL to share knowledge and ideas, learn from each other and get information about educational sims. (Many educational sims are not listed in search menu....surprise! surprise!) 
11. Learn to make sculptie, AO and machinima and pass on the skills to your students. These skiils will enrich your students' learning experiences in any subjects. 
12. Never click those POSE BALLS, especially the ones with F and M text on it. You don't want your teaching with web 2.0 turns into infidelity 2.0.

Just my two cents.......That's all I can think of right now. I will post some more tips in the future.
Malam itu sahabat saya, Joe, dari Korea Selatan yang selama ini mendanai berdirinya community learning center untuk anak-anak tidak mampu di perkampungan kumuh di Bekasi, Jakarta dan Bandung menelpon saya:
Joe  : "Ines, I am sending my teachers to your house tomorrow. Please train them."
Saya: "What? Excuse me...Did I hear you wrong? Tomorrow?"
Joe  : "I know it's kind of sudden but the teachers from Bandung are already in Bekasi. We cannot reschedule, please make time for them. They really want to see you."
Saya: "What do you want me to do with them? And how many of them exactly?"
Joe  : "16 of them. First of all, please discuss the legal issues with them. Then...you take care of the rest."
Begitulah kronologis pemaksaan itu terjadi. Karena tidak ada pilihan maka mau tidak mau saya tetap harus menyambut guru-guru dari community learning center teman saya ini.

Karena kurang enak badan, pagi itu saya menunggu para guru tersebut dengan kurang bersemangat. Saya sungguh berharap acara hari itu dibatalkan. Jam 10 pagi tepat, 2 mobil berhenti di depan rumah saya dan dari dalam mobil itu turunlah guru-guru dengan wajah super ceria meskipun semuanya bersimbah keringat karena duduk berhimpitan dan kepanasan di dalam mobil. Begitu memasuki rumah, semua langsung duduk di lantai dan membuka buku catatan. Saya terkesima. Sebegitu pentingnya pertemuan ini bagi mereka sehingga mereka membawa buku catatan. Saya jadi malu karena tidak menganggap pertemuan pagi itu sebagai pertemuan penting bagi saya.

Sesi pertama saya berbagi mengenai masalah landasan hukum jalur pendidikan informal dan non formal. Mereka mencatat.
Sesi kedua saya berbagi mengenai metode-metode mengajar yang membebaskan. Mereka bertanya.
Sesi ketiga mereka berbagi cerita dan pengalaman mereka mengajar selama ini. Saya terpana dan terpesona.

Begitu banyak hal yang telah mereka lalui dan lakukan yang tidak pernah saya alami di sekolah menara gading. Dari anak yang rambutnya berkutu sampai orangtua yang sering memukul anaknya sehingga anaknya menjadi tidak normal. Belum lagi orangtua yang menolak untuk mengirimkan anak-anaknya belajar dan mengamuk di learning center.

Tidak terasa 5 jam waktu berdiskusi berlalu dengan cepat. Seorang guru menyeletuk "senang akhirnya bisa belajar dari guru benaran." Hati saya tersentuh, begitu rendah hatinya mereka sehingga tidak menyebut diri mereka guru yang sesungguhnya. Padahal,
                                                          2 teach
                                                          2 touch life +
                                                          4 ever
dan mereka adalah guru-guru sejati karena kasih sayang dan kerelaan mereka untuk mengajar anak-anak yang tersingkirkan ini akan mengubah hidup anak-anak ini selamanya.

I am so proud of you all. Kalau ada oknum diknas atau makelar-makelar ijasah yang menghalangi anak-anak ini untuk bisa mengikuti ujian kesetaraan dan memeras, kita akan menghadapinya bersama. We fear NOTHING!


    Me as an Advocate

    - As an education advocate in my country, Indonesia, I am not as cute as my avatar.

    - My writings are both loved and hated by many.

    - My volunteer works in underdeveloped schools and community learning centers are cherished and despised.

    - I can be good friends with vampires and furries but I cannot be friends with real life griefers who steal the rights of the children to get the education they deserve.

    - I often get troubles in RL because of my works and writings. Sometimes I wish I could just teleport those RL griefers to an eternal laggy sim.


    Oktober 2011
    Mai 2011
    März 2011
    Februar 2011
    November 2010
    September 2010
    August 2010
    Juli 2010


    First Life
    Second Life