If you are looking for inspirations, Virtual Tech is just the right place to visit. It is always amazing to see what pixels and scripts can do in virtual world. My students explored the place and couldn't stop asking questions. See....learning is not just about answering questions. Sometimes it is about asking questions.

We take FUN very seriously. Well, going to a virtual amusement park may look like a silly thing to do but there were lots of Physics going on there. (and lots of scream too) Tips for teacher: Make sure your students turn off their speaker...all of them. Otherwise you will have to hear them screaming all the time.

Sometimes it is good to just talk about things out and relax. Anyway, learning is not just about 2+2=4. We were dicussing about virtual ethics in an African tree house. (Thanks for your beautiful place, Aedann)
Salah satu murid kelas 4 di sekolah saya mendapat tugas mendadak untuk mejadi MC di acara tutup tahun. Karena di tidak ada waktu untuk berlatih di sekolah, maka latihan kita adakan di SL, tepatnya di Theatre of Dionysus. Beberapa temannya datang untuk memberikan komentar dan masukan. war es nicht cool, Kath?  (Aedann, Thank you for your cool Greek theatre. We loved it so much)
I am a Science teacher but I don't always teach Science. There are more in teaching than just stuffing knowledge into these young minds. Our class celebrated one of my student's birthday party in a Formula One racing circuit in SL. We blew trumpet, lighted fireworks, ate cakes, drank soda and everyone got a goodies bag full of racing cars. What an expensive birthday party. And I could afford it. (Thanks Pere for talking to Arare and finding this beautiful racing circuit for us)