Salah satu murid kelas 4 di sekolah saya mendapat tugas mendadak untuk mejadi MC di acara tutup tahun. Karena di tidak ada waktu untuk berlatih di sekolah, maka latihan kita adakan di SL, tepatnya di Theatre of Dionysus. Beberapa temannya datang untuk memberikan komentar dan masukan. war es nicht cool, Kath?  (Aedann, Thank you for your cool Greek theatre. We loved it so much)
I am a Science teacher but I don't always teach Science. There are more in teaching than just stuffing knowledge into these young minds. Our class celebrated one of my student's birthday party in a Formula One racing circuit in SL. We blew trumpet, lighted fireworks, ate cakes, drank soda and everyone got a goodies bag full of racing cars. What an expensive birthday party. And I could afford it. (Thanks Pere for talking to Arare and finding this beautiful racing circuit for us)
Dressing up is one fun element we can have in immersive technology. Dengan dressing up sesuai situasi, anak-anak bisa lebih mendalami dan merasakan topik-topik yang sedang dipelajari. Ich bin eine Maya Prinzessin.
How can you possibly make an object which has the same physical characteristics as the object in real life? It's possible in SL.  It was a world cup season and that day Germany has just won a match against Argentina (4:0) so we decided to make Jabulani (the official world cup soccer ball) that could be kicked, rolled and affected by gravity. Treten gegen den Ball, liebe Kinder. LOL (Thanks Cozy! You know what I mean)
Tidak pernah terbayangkan sebelumnya kalau mengajar dari jarak jauh itu benar-benar bisa dilakukan. Jangankan hanya mengajar teknis graphic nya tetapi mengajarkan teknik scripting yang logikanya lebih sulit ternyata juga bisa dilakukan dari jauh. Dan murid saya rata-rata hanya berumur 9 tahun. Teknologi memang mengesankan. Tidak hanya berhasil membuat roket yang bisa meledak dan menyemburkan kembang api di langit beserta bunyinya, mereka juga bisa mengajar teman-temannya yang pada hari itu absen hal yang sama. (Cozy, thank you for the script. Well, they are still in the stage of using the script, not making it but I am expecting them to be able to edit a script very soon)
Awalnya berniat menyusuri tembok raksasa Cina tetapi..OMG..meskipun replikanya tidak sepanjang 6000 km tetap saja membuat ujung jari pegal. Akhirnya kita putuskan untuk terbang saja. LOL Wir lieben Fliegen . We can REZ objects in this sim, it's very helpful for my teaching since there are not many notecards available for my students there.
We went to the International Spaceflight Museum to learn about rockets. Our first destination was of course Spaceport Alpha. We explored many wonderful exhibits, including over fifty rockets from more than a dozen space agencies and private space venture firms from around the world. Kalau ingin mengunjungi museum ini sediakan waktu seharian karena selain 17 exhibits di Spaceport Alpha (dari Satellite Propagator sampai Hubble Space Telescope) masih ada lagi 11 exhibits di Spaceport Bravo (dari Orbital Processing Facility sampai Lunar Rover).
Vehicle: Apollo 11
Destination: Earth's Moon
Mission : Exploring moon's craters and rocks
Are those cotton candies? No, they are US, the astronauts, research partners of Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. Beginilah akibatnya kalau pergi ke bulan menggunakan baju astronot gratisan. Kita tidak mirip Buzz maupun Neil.  Next time we go there, we will surely buy 1000 L$ worth of space suit and try the high performing HUD that will let us feel the moon gravity.  
Herzlich Willkommen im Neunkircher Zoo. We went to the virtual version of Neunkirchen Zoo in Germany to learn about bird beak adaptation. Yes, you can ride the ostrich! Jangan lupa untuk mencicipi es krim gratis berbagai rasa di dekat ka