Spirit dan Opportunity adalah 2 rover yang pernah dikirim untuk mejelajahi planet Mars. Di NASA explorer island, kami berkesempatan untuk menaiki salah satu Mars rover ini ha ha. Sepanjang perjalanan, kami berduskusi mengenai apa saja yang sudah dihasilkan oleh rover-rover ini, apa saja masalah yang dialami dan bagaimana kelanjutan misi mereka.

Setelah dust devil, kita belajar mengenai Mars airbags. We learned that Airbags used in the Mars Exploration Rover mission were the same type that Mars Pathfinder used in 1997. We also learned that airbags must be strong enough to cushion the spacecraft if it landed on rocks or rough terrain and allowed it to bounce across Mars' surface at freeway speeds after landing. So to make sure the airbags worked according to its purpose, we tried riding it. O

Mars exhibit in NASA's explorer island is one of the best exhibit you can find in NASA sims. It is full of activities and notecards. When we were there, the first thing we learned was the dust devil in Mars. Wooosh! Sieh dich ja vor!  
It was time to blast off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We took Gemini V Titan II to go to low earth orbit, about 300 km above the earth. We visited the International Scace Station (which was still under construction). The journey lasted in less than a minute but the joy lasted FOREVER. (Yes...I drove the rocket. I took off my high heels...k..k..k...the blue space suit was killing me.)
We went to the International Spaceflight Museum to learn about rockets. Our first destination was of course Spaceport Alpha. We explored many wonderful exhibits, including over fifty rockets from more than a dozen space agencies and private space venture firms from around the world. Kalau ingin mengunjungi museum ini sediakan waktu seharian karena selain 17 exhibits di Spaceport Alpha (dari Satellite Propagator sampai Hubble Space Telescope) masih ada lagi 11 exhibits di Spaceport Bravo (dari Orbital Processing Facility sampai Lunar Rover).