Wie können wir überleben ein Erdbeben? Caranya mudah, belajar dulu simulasi gempa bumi di SL supaya kita bisa tahu bagaimana bisa selamat dari bencana ini. Simulasi gempa bumi di Praxis Prime ini dilengkapi dengan slideshow dan data mengenai gempa bumi di seluruh dunia. Waktu belajar di sana, anak-anak saya minta memilih tempat di dalam gedung untuk berlindung dari gempa bumi. Kemudian tombol simulasinya saya pencet dan GUBRAK! gedung runtuh dan mereka yang tidak mengerti prinsip-prinsip berlindung dari gempa pasti tertimpa reruntuhan bangunan. Untung saja avatar tidak bisa mati he he...
Waktu belajar tentang sejarah perkembangan submarine dan submersible di Abyss Observatory, anak-anak belajar satu hal penting yaitu 'It is okay to have a crazy idea in Science.'
Semasa hidupnya, Van Gogh pernah berada 1 tahun di kota Arles, Perancis untuk berkarya. Di SL, ada satu sim yang khusus didedikasikan untuk menghidupkan karya-karya Van Gogh di kota ini. Kita menunjungi 'The Yellow House' di mana Van Gogh tinggal saat di Arles. Kita bahkan sempat bermain-main di kamar Van Gogh 'The Bedroom'. Anak-anak melakukan penjelajahan individu di sim tersebut. Bergantian, mereka 'berteriak' melalui IM ke saya "I have found The Langlois Bridge', "I am at the Wheatfield.", " I am sure this is the Pink Peach Tree that Van Gogh drew". Di saat asyik bereksplorasi, kita sempat bertemu dengan Mudpuddle, creator of the sim, di   Fishing Boats on the Beach at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer. Benar-benar pengalaman yang tidak terlupakan. Di mana lagi kita bisa terjun masuk ke dalam lukisan selain di dunia virtual? (Thank you for your beautiful sim Mudpuddle) 

Spirit dan Opportunity adalah 2 rover yang pernah dikirim untuk mejelajahi planet Mars. Di NASA explorer island, kami berkesempatan untuk menaiki salah satu Mars rover ini ha ha. Sepanjang perjalanan, kami berduskusi mengenai apa saja yang sudah dihasilkan oleh rover-rover ini, apa saja masalah yang dialami dan bagaimana kelanjutan misi mereka.

Setelah dust devil, kita belajar mengenai Mars airbags. We learned that Airbags used in the Mars Exploration Rover mission were the same type that Mars Pathfinder used in 1997. We also learned that airbags must be strong enough to cushion the spacecraft if it landed on rocks or rough terrain and allowed it to bounce across Mars' surface at freeway speeds after landing. So to make sure the airbags worked according to its purpose, we tried riding it. O

Mars exhibit in NASA's explorer island is one of the best exhibit you can find in NASA sims. It is full of activities and notecards. When we were there, the first thing we learned was the dust devil in Mars. Wooosh! Sieh dich ja vor!  
We were learning about the African savannah ecosystem, including the adaptations of the animals. We started our journey from Nelson Mandela rangers station. (Yes, I wore a new hair 'Ginza', a gift from a dear friend. Anyway I needed to adapt to the savannah environment and a tied hair was perfect for me. See...I gave my students a real example of adaptation ha ha). We ended our journey by taking a hot air baloon ride across the savannah. Seeing the whole ecosystem from higher altitude gave us a different perspective. It was a great learning experience, the only thing I regreted was spending 30 L$ for my Prozak boots. :((
It was time to blast off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We took Gemini V Titan II to go to low earth orbit, about 300 km above the earth. We visited the International Scace Station (which was still under construction). The journey lasted in less than a minute but the joy lasted FOREVER. (Yes...I drove the rocket. I took off my high heels...k..k..k...the blue space suit was killing me.)
Sometimes it is good to just talk about things out and relax. Anyway, learning is not just about 2+2=4. We were dicussing about virtual ethics in an African tree house. (Thanks for your beautiful place, Aedann)
Waktu kelas kami belajar tentang budaya China,  kami tidak tahan untuk tidak tertawa terbahak-bahak gara-gara thai chi ball. Bayangkan...kita semua melakukan gerakan tai chi bersama-sama. Setelah puas melakukan gerakan thai chi, anak-anak belajar mengenai penanggalan Cina. Yes, I made the chinese zodiac myself. Cool, huh?